Game of Thrones Lover's | Best Life Lessons 'Game of Thrones Movie' Teaches Us?
Game of Thrones Lover's
1. Ned Stark
Never underestimate your enemies and never let them know what you are doing.
2. Joffery Baratheon
Be nice to people, it's not that difficult; especially those with the ability to kill you
3. Lyanna Stark-
Be careful when you play with married people, or just don't do it at all.Game of Thrones Lover's | Best Life Lessons 'Game of Thrones Movie' Teaches Us? |
4. Tyrion Lannister -
Embrace what makes you different.
5. Cersei Lannister:
Loving your children does not mean hating others.
6. Varys & Littlefinger -
Knowledge is power.
7. Robert Baratheon -
Not everyone was destined to rule a nation
8. Arthur Dayne -
No matter how good you are, you are still human.
Game of Thrones Lover's | Best Life Lessons 'Game of Thrones Movie' Teaches Us? |
9. Stannis Baratheon:
not everything will go as you want.
10. Robb Stark:
sometimes duty comes before honor.
11. Arya Stark:
you can do amazing things
12. Hot Pie -
Sometimes being a "scared cat" can save your life.
13. Melissandre -
Having faith in a higher power is good, but never blind.
14. Tywin Lannister -
Never judge a book by its cover, it could be your death.
Game of Thrones Lover's | Best Life Lessons 'Game of Thrones Movie' Teaches Us? |
15. Oberyn and Doran Martell:
patience is key, all on time.
16. Sandor "The Hound" Clegane -
Know why it is worth fighting and why not.
17. Jon Snow:
stay strong and follow your heart.
18. Daenarys Targaryen -
There is a difference between conquering and governing; Ruler and leader.
19. Bronn -
Know when to have your best interest in the heart.
20. Samwell Tarly -
Follow your dreams with all your heart and you will get what you want.
Game of Thrones Lover's | Best Life Lessons 'Game of Thrones Movie' Teaches Us? |
21. Olenna Tyrell:
Bullying can be a powerful weapon, but acts when the situation requires it.
22. Lysa Arryn:
Know the difference between those who love you and those who want to use you.
23. Sansa Stark:
look at the world as it is, not as you want it to be.
24. Davos Seaworth -
Always remain loyal, even when it hurts.
Game of Thrones Lover's | Best Life Lessons 'Game of Thrones Movie' Teaches Us? |
25. Grenn:
everyone is capable of achieving great things.
26. Robin Arryn -
Be careful with those who want to use and manipulate you.
27. Khal Drogo:
Sometimes changing your tradition is a bad thing. Keep what you know.
28. Pyat Pree -
Never piss off dangerous people.
There is more, but I think I should.
Game of Thrones Lover's | Best Life Lessons 'Game of Thrones Movie' Teaches Us? |
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