Top Web Development Courses on Internet | Learn Web Development Free

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Top Web Development Courses on Internet | Learn Web Development Free

What are the best online web development courses| The answer to this question depends largely on your background and your learning objectives. Specifically,

Are you new to programming, have you dabbled a little in programming or are you currently a programmer in a different field?

Are you learning for fun or hobby, or are you looking to enter software development as a career, within, say, 6-12 months?
Let's break it down:

If you are an active programmer and want to learn web development to have fun and expand your horizon, I recommend the following:

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Learn Web Development Free

Consider learning a new language that is very different from your current working language. For example, if you are a C programmer, learn a high-level dynamic language like Ruby; If you are an Android developer using Java, check out a functional language like Clojure or Erlang / Elixir. 

Those languages ​​will open your mind and help you grow as a developer. Look for books or courses written by developers for developers, for example, the "Learn the hard code" series by Zed Shaw is pretty good; Pragmatic Bookshelf and No Starch Press also have books for experienced developers. 

Do some code exercises or do a simple project to practice with the new language (for example, Dave Thomas writes a Markdown parser every time he learns a new language). I should be productive with the language in a few days.

Find courses based on projects that take you through the construction of applications, often with a framework. Once you learn the language, you can probably access the frames quickly and solve problems as you go through Google or Stack Overflow. 

As an experienced developer, you are likely to be constantly distracted by new technologies, so being able to put things together quickly will keep you motivated and entertained, so you can keep going.

If you are a current programmer who wants to make the professional transition to web development

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If you have experience in software development in other fields, when you look for jobs, you are generally expected to increase and contribute quickly, and you can work as an intermediate web developer. 

To prepare to meet this expectation, your learning approach should not be "fun" and "personal growth" centered as the first scenario, but aim to have a deep understanding of the web stack and current best practices of a development stack .

If possible, choose a language closer to your current working language and one with many job opportunities. When writing these lines, I would consider Java, JavaScript, Ruby and Python.

 If you already program in one of these languages, stick with that and learn very well. I don't find many online courses that teach languages ​​beyond the beginner level, so I suggest you choose a "canonical book" of your language of choice. (see a list below)

Learn the basics of web development concepts: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, HTTP and databases. This is an important step: do not jump to the frames immediately. 

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This is the basis on which all web development practices are based, so if you understand these topics well, entering into the high-level abstractions of the frames will be much easier, and you will discover that you have much less to memorize, because It comprises the central web machinery. (see a list of learning resources below)

If you want to become a professional web developer, you must have a solid understanding of the basics. Udacity has a great course that covers this level that you should consult: Online web development course.

Learn the leading stack in the language of your choice (Grails, Node / Express / Angular / React, Ruby on Rails, Django) and study the abstractions.

 As an experienced developer, employers will expect you to not only be a user of frameworks, but to have a deeper conceptual understanding and can bend them at their own will. 

Do not stay on the surface, it is important to understand how frames are assigned to lower level concerns (HTTP, SQL, HTML, CSS and JavaScript). If you have no preference in any particular stack, go with Ruby or JavaScript: they have the most abundant educational resources available.

 Look for courses or tutorials to guide you through the creation of a meaningful application with enough complexity so you can see the need to introduce best practices and restrictions to force architectural patterns

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Resources for experienced developers:

"Canonical books" on programming languages:

  • JavaScript: the ultimate guide
  • Javascript: The Good Parts (as your second JavaScript book)
  • Programming Ruby
  • Core Python Programming
  • Effective java
  • Online courses on general web development
  • Udacity web development course (in Python, free)
  • Launch the school's web development course (in Ruby, paid, fully supported)
  • Online courses on databases and SQL
  • Stanford online database course (Free)
  • Online courses on development stacks
  • Node School (Node.js, Free)
  • Udacity's Front End Nanodegree (Front End, Paid, fully compatible)
  • Rails Tutorial (Ruby on Rails, Free but the video course is really good)
  • Own rails (Ruby on Rails, payment, video course)
  • Rapid development with Ruby on Rails (Ruby on Rails, paid, fully compatible)
  • Online courses on best practices for building software
  • Engineering software as a service (free)

Create robust and quality production applications from Launch School (paid, fully compatible)

If you are a beginner and want to learn your first programming language and enter the web development, your plan will be VERY different.

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First, your perspective should not be to find the "best" course or learning material, but to plan to learn from as many sources as possible. 

From each book or online course you can pick up something new and the repetition will help you retain knowledge more easily.

You must have the right expectations. Web development involves many technologies. If you are just beginning to learn to program, you must be prepared to devote a significant amount of time and effort to study to achieve the required competence for a professional developer.

 Nor will it be all "fun" and "exciting," as some online courses promise. Hope the process is even "boring," where you have to work hard and practice hard.

I strongly recommend that you take a structured program from end to end, instead of trying to pool your knowledge from various sources. 

Trying to learn several web development topics as a beginner is a challenge in itself, it is even more difficult to know what are all the topics you need to know, what is the sequence in which you need to learn them and how to evaluate if you have known enough to progress in this path. 

Finding a good program with a solid curriculum with courses that fit well will save you a lot of time.

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I recommend you look for fully compatible programs. While more experienced developers can learn on their own, as a beginner you can benefit greatly from regular comments and get answers to your questions quickly.

 Being in a friendly and supportive environment for beginners will also keep you motivated and engaged. If you can afford it economically and in terms of lifestyle, attending a programming camp will be an excellent option.

 It will accelerate your learning and provide you with comprehensive assistance to find your first job. If physically attending a coding bootcamp is not an option for you, Launch School, where I teach web development, also has an online bootcamp designed as a comprehensive program to take serious beginners to work readiness.

Online beginner-friendly courses and learning resources

I chose the following courses and resources that are ideal for beginners. In general, they are less ambitious in scope, do not assume previous experience and introduce issues in isolation rather than presenting them in integration, so it is easy for you to move forward.

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First you must learn HTML and CSS:

Course "Learn  HTML and CSS"  
Codecademy HTML and CSS course
Functional HTML5 and CSS3
Then learn JavaScript and a language focused on the back end You must know JavaScript well to work with the web. Then, I would recommend choosing a language focused primarily on the backend to become a more complete developer. I would look at Ruby or Python to get the best learning resources and job opportunities.


Codecademy JavaScript course
Code School JavaScript course
The first JavaScript book by OReilly's Head
Eloquent JavaScript book
Ruby (or learn Python)

Introduction to programming with Ruby by Launch School

Learn to program, by Chris Pine
Learn Ruby the hard way
Python (or learn Ruby):

Learn Python - Free interactive Python tutorial

Learn Python the hard way
Learn HTTP and general web concepts:

Launch the school HTTP book

Udacity web development course
Launch of the school's web development course
Database and SQL:

Codecademy SQL course

Code School SQL test
Introduction with SQL from SQLBolt
jQuery and the DOM:

Code School - jQuery Test

jQuery in Codecademy

After those basic courses, you will be ready to learn with frames and create applications. You can check the list I made above about courses and resources for experienced developers.

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I suggest you learn both the Ruby / Python back-end stacks and the Javascript / Node back-end stack to maximize your job opportunities. 

It may seem like a lot, but if you have a low foundation, when you get here, you will really enjoy the learning process. 

After mastering a stack, the time it takes to pick up the second stack will be a fraction of that for your first stack, but it will significantly expand your horizon.

Therefore, it is essential that when you learn your first stack, take time to master the fundamentals and do not rush to the higher frames and abstractions too soon.

 You will pay several times in a long run. If you do not spend time solidifying the fundamentals, you will move from one framework to another and you will never really understand the deepest fundamentals of web development.

I hope this answer is useful! If you have any comments, add below and I will reply here. 


Top Web Development Courses on Internet | Learn Web Development Free

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